Task 2 / Exercise

 Typography / Task 2: Typographic Exploration & Communication

14/5/23 - 28/5/23 / Week 5 - Week 7

Low J- Yin / 0352888.

Bachelor of Design in Creative Media / Typography


Click here to refer to Task 1.


<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/12pGq93BDBYd4zwm_YLu1GQdtscJ3zDS3/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>


For Task 2, We will need identify the chosen editorial text option and choose one of four to be our final editorial spread. The option as below:

1.The role of Bauhaus thought on modern culture
2.A code to build on and live by
3. Unite to visualise a better world 

fig 1.1 Research of code

 I had research on Pinterest and Google search for three of the options to decide which option are more prefer to me. As the result, I choose 'A code to build on and live by' as my final and having further development and research on it. By the research, I noticed that code usually used "<>""{}"".""()""10101" to represent code.

fig 1.2 Process of text expression

I had opened my InDesign to started demo how place the element I had research on into the text. For the left, I try to place the 'A' beside the 'C' to make it looks like its a '<', and placing the 'C''O''D''E' like a stair shape to make the alignment as how coding is. As the end of the world, placing the /> to make it looks like the coding had end.

For the right, I am trying to place the code like "1010101", but replace it as 'code'. I din't do anything to other words to hierarchy the 'code' as the main.

fig 1.2 Process of text expression

By the process above, I try to create more design to develop which one better. When I was design the left text expression, an idea suddenly pop out of my mind, what if I used moscode as the code, instead of the  computer coding code. So by this idea, I designed out the right text expression and further research about moscode.
fig 1.4 Research of moscode

After the search of the mosocde, I find out the moscode of  'A' would be like '. __', So I placing the moscode below of the stroke of 'A'.

fig 1.5 typeface of moscode

From the further research of moscode, I find out a typeface of mosocde, and tried develop on the 'CODE'. To decide a better option, I moved on to next step.

fig 1.5 Process of text formatting.

Refer to Task 1, I repeated the lecture playlist again, to make sure the formatting are right and I did not missed any step of the process of Text Formatting.

1. I had checked on the Units & Increments, by pressing 'File - Preferences - Units & Increments - Tracking & Kerning - change the '20 / 1000 em' to '5 / 1000 em'.

2. I had checked on the margins and column, by pressing ' Layout - Margins & Column ' and adjust which more prefer.

3. I had checked all of the text paragraphs.
- Text fonts
- Text Sizes
- Leading
- Typeface
- Space After
- Hyphenate
-Characters per-line

4. I opened the ' Hidden Character' by pressing ' Type - Open Hidden Character ' to checked if there any additional line or space that I accidentally pressed.

5.  Next, by pressing 'View - Grid & Guides - Shows Baseline Grid' , to adjust the baseline of the paragraph. 

6. Last, I adjust the different alignment to check on which one are better.

fig 1.5 Process of text formatting.

By the process, I had placing the text expression and text formatting.

fig 1.6 Process of editorial spread

I had shows the editorial spread above to sir to have better improvement. Sir had given me advise to use real moscode and could design on ' to build on and live by' as the heading are quick long. Could try using the ". __ " placing behind the heading.

fig 1.7 Process of editorial spread

 By the feedback, Instead of placing behind of the words, I coloured the ". __" to grey colour and using the "i" "l" to create the moscode, and placing "." to represent "o". 

fig 1.8 Process of editorial spread

I had changed the baseline shift of "." "-" for the sentence of " to build on and live by". As for the "CODE" , I had use different type of Typeface to enhance the wording, the "_" remain the same. For the letter "A" I had moved the tracking/ kerning for the "-""." to let it placing balanced in the letter "A".

fig 1.9 grey space

Last, I checked on the even space and the grey space between the white space whether it is balanced. The results looks good and the feedback from sir are positive, so I decided to use this current design as my final editorial spread.


"A Code" Font : Futura/ Condensed Medium
"To Build on and Live By" Font : Futura/ Condensed ExtraBold 

Sub Heading
Font: Univers LT Std / Extra Black

Paragraph Heading
Font: Futura/ Bold

Font: Serifa Std
Type Size: 9 pt
Leading 11 pt
Characters per-line : 60
Alignment: Left Justified

fig 2.0 Final Editorial Text Spread, (21/5/23)

fig 2.0 Final Editorial Text Spread PDF, (21/5/23)
fig 2.1 Final Editorial Text Spread Grid, (21/5/23)

fig 2.2 Final Editorial Text Spread Grid PDF, (21/5/23)


Week 6
Specific Feedback - Be careful with the raging. The code uses the ._ on behind the words or using ._ to represent the Morse code. Using the real Morse code to do, don't simply place the dots and underscore.

Week 7 
Specific Feedback - Sir was checking around for our task 2 final. Everything is fine, looks good.


For task 2, we will need to combine both of the exercise from task 1 into one paragraph. I started enjoyed when doing this assignment. Sir would give us feedback every week. For this task, we only got 2 weeks but after the experience from task 1, we can do it more easier on this.

Different typeface have their own character and personality. What tools and typeface you used could reflect your personality, this is what sir tell us on class and I agreed what he said. Even just a type of type font have their own different weight. Some are fat font, round font, bold font, etc.

I know I had said typography makes me fell struggling on task 1, but I need to admit we need typography in our life every single day. Who knows, your favourite food, favourite drinks or even your future company are using typography to build up their logo. In fact, from all of this reason, I likes typography.


fig 2.3 A type primer

For week 6 - week 8, I decided to read this book: A Type Primer by John Kane. Its was recommend by sir and the book attracted me for the strong contrast colour.

fig 2.4 content of the book

For this book, we will learned the basic knowledge and some interesting information in typography. Its a practical book and explained that type evolved from hand writing.

fig 2.5 basic 

The first few pages had been teach by sir in lecture playlist, so I din't note down anything and review the basic elements from the books and my lectures note.

fig 2.6 introduction

I had continued read and reviews the knowledge that I know from lecture playlist. As the fig 2.6, A type of typeface have many different weight. The author shares a lot of different of samples behind the current pages too.

fig 2.7 Timeline

Next, the author had introduce for the different type typeface from 1450 ~ 1990.

fig 2.8 type expression

As like what author had said at the first few pages, the most simple is the most straight-forward way to express the type. As fig 2.8, the author using very clean and simple way to express the meaning of the words. Personally, the author shows few of the sample but I love fig 2.8 the most, especially the type expression of "added". Its very simple, he just placing the "d" as like "adding" into the sentence, he din't even move a lot of stuff or use a lot of tools, but the type expression are strong and give us a very straight and focus way, its catch our eyes very easily.

fig 2.9 Poster Bodoni

The author shows us a lot of different design of poster using typography, which is very cute and nice.

fig 3.0 the grid of text

I had end reading the book by review the grid of text. The lecture playlist had actually included all of the important parts for basic knowledge, so I just review my notebook while reading the book.


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